Superallowed beta decay
J. C. Hardy, I. S. Towner, V. E. Iacob, H. I. Park, L. Chen, V. Horvat, N. Nica,
M. Bencomo and R. E. Tribble

Tests of internal-conversion theory with precise γ- and x-ray spectroscopy: the case of 119Snm
N. Nica, J. C. Hardy, V. E. Iacob, M. Maguire, and M. B. Trzhaskovskaya

United States nuclear structure data program (USNDP) and evaluated nuclear structure data file (ENSDF) at Texas A&M University
N. Nica and J. C. Hardy

Measurement of branching-ratios in the β decay of 38Ca
H.I. Park, J.C. Hardy, V.E. Iacob, M. Bencomo, L. Chen, V. Horvat, N. Nica, B.T. Roeder, E. Simmons and R.E. Tribble

Optical pumping model of the polarization for the TRINAT experiment
R. S. Behling, B. Fenker, M. Mehlman, D. Melconian and P. D. Shidling

Update on the progress of the 37K β asymmetry experiment
R. S. Behling, B. Fenker, M. Mehlman, D. Melconian and P. D. Shidling

Current status of the TAMUTRAP measurement Penning trap
R. S. Behling, Y. Boran, B. Fenker, M. Mehlman, D. Melconian and P. D. Shidling

Update on the study of the 14C+n↔15C system
M. McCleskey, A.M. Mukhamedzhanov, V. Goldberg, and R.E. Tribble

Status of AstroBox and analysis of 23Al β-delayed proton decay data
L.Trache, E. Simmons, A. Spiridon, M. McCleskey, B. T. Roeder, A. Saastamoinen, R. E. Tribble, E. Pollacco, M. Kebbiri, J. P. Mols, M. Raillot, G. Pascovici

Progress in the analysis of the delayed proton and gamma decay of 27P for nuclear astrophysics
E. Simmons, L. Trache, A. Banu, A. Saastamoinen, M. McCleskey, B. Roeder, A. Spiridon, R. E. Tribble, T. Davinson, P. J. Woods, G. J. Lotay, J. Wallace, and D. Doherty

Feasibility study of time-inverse measurement of the stellar reaction 22Mg(α,p)25Al
A. Banu, D. Votaw, B. T. Roeder, G. G. Rapisarda, M. McCleskey, A. Saastamoinen, E. Simmons, A. Spiridon, L. Trache, R. E. Tribble and C. A. Gagliardi

Level Structure of 10C
V. Z. Goldberg and G. V. Rogachev

Investigation of 27P with the AstroBox prototype detector
E. Simmons, L. Trache, M. McCleskey, A. Saastamoinen, R. G. Pizzone, G. G. Rapisarda, B. Roeder, A. Spiridon, R.E. Tribble, E. Pollacco, G. Pascovici, M. Riallot, J. P. Mols, and M. Kebbiri

Spin physics with STAR at RHIC
Z. Chang, P. Djawotho, C. A. Gagliardi, M. M. Mondal, R. E. Tribble and the STAR Collaboration